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Thoughts on my onboard ARB compressor & Horn Blasters in my Toyota Tacoma

Anyone that knows me, knows I like accessories, especially accessories that serve a purpose.

After owning this for about 2 years, I would say it is my most used accessory. I could not tell you the amount of times I have needed to fill my tires, bicycles, other peoples tires, or even run the occasional air tool. It also powers my air horn. I do plan to add air lockers at some point, also made by ARB. It is an extremely well made, continuous duty piece of equipment.

Please note this is not a "how-to" video, but more of a what I did video...

A note about the compressor mount.... Because this project was done during COVID, and things were hard to get, I ended up making a custom mount that worked better for my needs. Currently, I believe there are different mounts available. All the air line are press fittings, high pressure hydraulic lines. I did not wat to re-do this so I built it indestructible. All fitting used are hydraulic fittings. The system literally does not leak at all. The pressure in the tank will go up and down depending on ambient temps.

Here are the Air related products I used:

- ARB Air Compressor kit:

Or if you are looking for just the compressor, here it it:

- VIAIR 1 Gallon Tank

- Milton air Regulator:

A variety of air fittings, too many to list...

Dakota air pressure digital dash gauge:

OR similar through Amazon -


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