First, so you don’t need to go digging so far, the color is Audi Nardo Grey LY7C in Omni base coat and cleared with Lumabase.
It was actually never my original intention to do such a quality paint job on the mini truck. I was thinking I was going to be OK with one of those Maaco specials. However, once I seen the quality paint jobs of some of the trucks sitting at JDM imports (@jdmimportsct) in Coventry Connecticut, I decided I had to go a little nicer.
Zack at Eighty Eight Customs (@eightyeightcustoms) went above and beyond and did a much better job than I had originally intended, He stripped every part off the truck, every piece of glass and every gasket to make sure he was giving me the best quality job he could. Every imperfection was removed, and he blocked out every panel. Granted it cost me a little more than I budgeted for, however, the flawless paint job speaks for itself.
Check out some of these pics!
As you can see, the back rack, bumpers, latches, and headlight bezels were also painted satin black, at the same time he painted the wheels which are shown in another post.
Zack also took care of the spray on bedliner:
I guess I should share some of the before pictures. This little rig looked pretty good before, but after we dug in, there were some definite issues that were covered up that had to be taken care of.