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The "TailLock"

This locking system is something I created out of necessity for my box truck. After owning many trucks and fighting thefts and break-ins, I decided I needed a fast, easy locking system for my box truck. Because there was nothing on the market like it, I decided to build it as a universal product that can be adapted to many different types of trucks. Paul Akers of Fastcap had seen my new system on the truck during a video shoot of the American Innovator. From that point on, his company has been manufacturing the TailLock for me in WA, USA

Please NOTE: The price in the video is out of date.

I developed the product, and If my recollection serves me correctly, and the name was brainstormed over breakfast with by good friend Lui Nobrega, who is currently the webmaster of Lui also designed the Logo.

The TailLock is available for purchase at dealers all over the world, and of course on my website, CLICK HERE. For questions on the system, reach out to


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